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3D printed electronics enclosure for raspberry pi controller

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3D printed carbon fiber nylon tooling fixture part
Autodesk Fusion360 digital CAD model of a part

I Have a File

Submit your model files through our simple form with your desired options get a rapid pricing estimate from our team. 


We will work with you based on your submission, provide feedback and suggestions (if necessary), and then get started on your project quickly.


Most print orders are ready to ship in 2-5 days!

I Need a File

No problem.  We are happy to help you bring your idea to life with our 3D Modeling and 3D Printing Services. 


Securely exchange reference sketches or assets via our quote form to help communicate what you are trying to build. 


We will review your project and reach out to discuss the next steps. 

Still Unsure?
  • What is 3D Printing?
    3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material on top of the previous until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object. 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.
  • Which material, print quality settings, print process, etc. should I choose?"
    If you are unsure about any choices regarding your print, go ahead and submit your quote for review and express your questions in the description.
  • What is "Part Density"?"
    Part density (or infill) refers to the semi-hollow structure used to take up space inside a 3D print. Just like your bodies' bone structure, 3D printed parts can be semi-hollow in order to optimize them for strength/weight. This part density is adjustable, with the default part density of 20% suitable for most applications. If you think you have a part that needs increase strength for functional use, please raise your question in the project description or with a message after you submit for review. We will discuss the best way to optimize the part for your application.
  • Sounds great, how do I get started?"
    To print a part, you will need a 3D file. If you don't have a 3D file, there are several ways to get one: 1. If you have access to 3D modeling software, you can provide use with pretty much any standard CAD file format or mesh file (.stl, .obj, etc.) 2. There are many online repositories of 3D models that you can leverage. Pay attention to the license/restrictions regarding any model you plan to submit. Often, we can remix online models for your specific needs and requests. 3. We offer complete 3D design services to complement our 3D printing capabilities. Learn more here. To use our services, start a project and upload any reference files (drawings, photos, etc) you may have. Please provide a brief description of what you are looking to accomplish. We will then follow-up to discuss your project in more detail and discuss next steps.
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